fix CRAN notes:

  • startup message can be suppressed

other minor changes:

  • update README: it is recommended to use pak for installation
  • update dependency on RcppThread >= 2.1.3 to fix the compilation error
  • update metadata of package
  • add predict_lastname() and predict_fullname() functions as lower-level interfaces
  • they also allow for customized models
  • add another vignette on how to run inference on the customized models
  • change the License from MIT to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 to prohibit commercial uses
  • modify the startup messages to notify users to use the package wisely
  • remove docs/ folder, since we are using github actions to automate the process
  • fix the WARN message from CRAN checks on the vignette
  • fixed the include path problem and suppressing warning problem
  • add into .Rbuildignore
  • modify the DESCRIPTION file as requested
  • first submission of the package
  • provide predict_ethnicity() function to predict the ethnicity from names