Fangzhou Xie

Affiliations: Department of Economics, Rutgers University
Center for Health Services Research, Rutgers University

Apparently, my artist enjoys me debugging.

Hi, my name is Fangzhou Xie. I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Economics at Rutgers University. Previously, I got my M.A. at the Department of Economics at New York University.

I am a fan of R/Rcpp/RcppEigen/RcppArmadillo/RcppThread, and I am also a developer of several R packages. You can check out my repositories.

Email: [FIRSTNAME].[LASTNAME][at]rutgers[dot]edu


Jul 08, 2024 My package rethnicity v0.2.5 is now on CRAN.
Mar 15, 2023 My package rethnicity v0.2.4 is now on CRAN.

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selected publications

  1. Wasserstein Index Generation Model: Automatic Generation of Time-Series Index with Application to Economic Policy Uncertainty
    Fangzhou Xie
    Economics Letters, Jan 2020
  2. Rethnicity: An R Package for Predicting Ethnicity from Names
    Fangzhou Xie
    SoftwareX, Jan 2022